WASHINGTON — President Obama bluntly accused the police of acting “stupidly” by arresting the Harvard sc
holar Henry Louis Gates Jr. last week after an officer had established that Mr. Gates had not broken into his own home in Cambridge, Mass. A photo taken by a neighbor of the arrest last week of Henry Louis Gates Jr. in Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Obama stopped short of accusing the police department of racial profiling, as Mr. Gates has done. But during a prime-time White House news conference that was otherwise largely devoted to health care, Mr. Obama weighed in full bore on the Gates case and suggested that the police should never have arrested him. He added that African-Americans and Hispanics in the United States have long been familiar with racial profiling by law enforcement. “There’s a long history in this country of African-Americans being stopped disproportionately by the police,” Mr. Obama said. “It’s a sign of how race remains a factor in this society.”
For further details visit as : www.nytimes.com/2009/07/23/us/politics/23gates.html?hp

For further details visit as : www.nytimes.com/2009/07/23/us/politics/23gates.html?hp
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