While President Barack Obama's proposed health care-reform bill is still a work in progress, a new study is already anticipating how many millions of Americans could be covered under the act if passed. A nonprofit organization called Families USA released a study Tuesday that breaks down how many people in each state would gain coverage as a result of the bill passin
g. The study used census data from 2006 and 2007 to determine how many uninsured people resided in each state. According to the study, about 664,000 people in New Jersey could gain insurance under the plan by 2013, with more than a million gaining insurance by 2019. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill would add coverage for 23 million Americans by 2013 and 37 million by 2019. "Clearly, every state small or large has a great deal to gain," said Kim Bailey, senior health policy analyst for Families USA. In addition to those who would gain health insurance, those who already have private health insurance could see their premiums come down, according to Bailey. An earlier study by Families USA found that an average American family paid a "hidden health tax" of $1,017 in 2008 that was passed on by care that was provided to the uninsured. The number was calculated from the $116 billion spent by hospitals, doctors and other providers to cover the health expenses of the uninsured. About 1.3 million people in New Jersey were uninsured in 2006 and 2007, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Solving New Jersey's insurance crisis is something that private companies want to solve, but the cost could have unintended consequences.

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