In USA the astronauts from the Apollo 11 mission, the first manned mission to land on the Moon, have appealed to President Barack Obama and America’s politicians to provide proper funding for a return to the moon and the human exploration of Mars. The concept is risky since the veterans have aged but there is hardly any doubt that the proposal speaks of the nation’s intrinsic vivacity. What is India doing then? As per ISRO Chief G Madhavan Nair, organization
is planning its first manned flight around 2015. “There would be two men in a manned capsule on a seven-day mission. It will be launched from Sriharikota,” he said. Nevertheless, he also mentioned the organization was not mulling over the fact of sending a man to the moon. “At the moment we don’t have such plan,” Nair said. However he strongly favored contemplating such a mission, major reason being that both the US and China had declared they would like to have their men on the lunar surface by 2020. “I do not know whether we can afford to lag behind in that,” the ISRO chairman said. “Superiority of a nation depends on technology. Space is where the highest level of technology is being demonstrated. Today, I can say we are on par with developed nations as far as technology is concerned,” Nair said. The Indian Space Research Organization is the primary body for space research under the control of the government of India. It was established in its modern form in 1969 as a result of coordinated efforts initiated earlier. Under the guidance of a number of scientists, ISRO has conducted a variety of operations—supported by its launch vehicle fleet—for both Indian and foreign clients. ISRO has several field installations at its disposal and cooperates with the international community as a part of several bilateral and multilateral agreements.

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