NEW DELHI: Health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Wednesday urged political parties to rise ab
ove vote bank politics and propagate the message of population control, saying "aggressive campaign" was the only way to convince the masses of the virtue of small family. Ruling out any "coercive method" or "legislation" to control population, Azad said in the last 32 years, no political party did any aggressive campaigning in this vital area. Asking parties to rise above "vote bank politics" to control population, the health minister said, "No religion prohibits control of population. At the most, there could be difference of opinion on the methods to check population." Replying to a discussion on working of his ministry in Rajya Sabha, Azad said if all political leaders included population control in their campaigns, the results could be visible within an year. Referring to concerns expressed by CPM leader Brinda Karat about use of "injectible contraceptive" which may be harmful for women, the minister assured the House that the government would not allow sub-standard contraceptives and medicines which could be dangerous for the health of women.
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