The site says this is necessary because “pregnant women are more susceptible to all infections” and are “e
specially vulnerable to swine flu, as this virus is affecting younger age groups in particular”. During the weekend this guidance was backed by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). "If [pregnant women] normally travel on the Tube or on crowded trains in rush hour they might want to leave later or earlier," the RCM's Sue Macdonald said. "This is about being sensible and being aware of the risks." However, in a re-organisation of its own advice website on Sunday, the Department of Health did not reiterate this advice, as had been expected. A department source later confirmed: "Our advice has not changed. For the majority of pregnant women, good hand hygiene will be enough. "Clearly avoiding these things would lower the risk [of swine flu], but we are not saying that pregnant women should avoid them. "We think this is very important as pregnant women can feel particularly vulnerable." The department later released a statement saying pregnant women "may consider" avoiding travel and crowds.

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