Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Managing And Getting To Know Real Estate Specifics

There's always a great feeling and mixed excitement when a real estate agent gets on the road with his business. An aspiring real estate agent must realize that there is more to being a real estate agent both online and on the field. The piece of property or land has distinct characteristics although in general they may have similarities, each are still unique.
However, since the agent is going to deal with both properties, as in the land itself where the property stands (legally called as an immovable property), an expertise of the general area of this business is already a great investment for the agent. It takes a lot of energy, enthusiasm and passion to have a real estate business operating for a long time. But this shouldn't be the reason to prevent an agent from becoming an expert in real estate management. There are a lot of reasons to continue with this type of business and all is just waiting to be developed and used in a proper real estate-handling kind of way.
First, there is the development of property sprouting across North America and this just means that potential clients will never run out. This is already a good reason to continue improving one's self in real estate management. Another point is the aid of both offline and online advertisement. Shifting over to advertisement, a real estate agent can spend an entire luxury on this area though it's not really recommended and even suggested. There's no point in advertising expensively since there's a whole range of inexpensive and sometimes, even free advertisement. Being practical comes in next in real estate marketing.
Regarding legalities and procedures, fields of real estate starts from appraisal, brokerages, property management and relocation services. These fields of real estate must be analyzed, studied and practiced properly by the real estate agent since it tells of how real estate Justify Fullmanagement is done with real clients. You may be working on a specific field but its important that you know all areas for better business function.

Vegetarians could have lower risk of cancer

Doctors already recommend eating a diet that is high in fruit and vegetables and low in red and processed meat in order to maintain overall health.
However, the study suggested that eating no meat at all may also help to reduce the cancer risk.
The UK study looked at more than 50,000 men and women aged between 20 and 89 recruited in the 1990s and divided participants into meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans.
During follow-up there was a significantly lower incidence of all cancers among the fish-eaters and vegetarians, compared with the meat eaters.
However, the researchers also found a higher rate of colorectal cancer – a disease usually linked with eating red meat – among the vegetarians.
Writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Professor Tim Key, Cancer Research UK epidemiologist and an author of the study, said the results need further study.
He said: "This study showed that the rate of cancer was slightly lower among the vegetarians than among the meat-eaters. Bowel cancer was higher in vegetarians than in meat-eaters. This is a bit surprising, and could be chance.
"It highlights that we don't fully understand whether meat really does increase the risk for bowel cancer and this study is not definitive. It is very important that we continue with good quality, robust research to see whether these results are confirmed and to examine the complex relationship between diet and cancer risk."
The study comes as new research showed eating a daily portion of mushrooms could slash the risk of breast cancer by up to two-thirds.
Scientists found women consuming at least ten grams, or around a third of an ounce, of fresh mushrooms every day were 64 per cent less likely to develop a tumour.
Dried mushrooms had a slightly less protective effect, reducing the risk by around half.
Experts at the University of Western Australia in Perth studied more than 2,000 Chinese women. They found women who combined a mushroom diet with regular consumption of green tea saw an even greater benefit, with the risk reduced by almost 90 per cent.
Researchers say the latest findings, published in the International Journal of Cancer, do not prove eating mushrooms will stop cancer and more studies are needed to confirm the results.
Around 40,000 women a year in Britain are diagnosed with breast cancer. The disease affects one in nine women at some point in their lives.

Appollo launches awareness campaign about Vein Thrombosis

Apollo Hospitals here has launched a programme to create awareness about the implications of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), a condition where a blood clot forms in the vein.
"DVT occurs usually in legs without any visible symptoms and is difficult to detect and is not always recognised as having been the cause of death,"senior consultant vascular surgeon Dr V Balaji told reporters.
He said the condition can be fatal when a clot travels from the blood vessels (veins) in legs to lungs or to the brain.
Balaji said a study, done on 60,000 patients in more than 32 countries, has revealed that almost one of every two hospitalised patients in medical and surgical wards worldwide and in India was at risk of developing DVT.

The dark side of Viagra

As a medication, Viagra has been a clear success but as a social phenomenon it is clouded by many question marks. Here is a medicine that will allow you to have sex again, but it may kill you.
In a startling revelation, health officials in UK reported that the drug has been responsible for 109 deaths. More than 1,000 reports were filed by men complaining of around 1,500 side effects.
Though Viagra has been praised for helping many men with erectile dysfunction, we have carelessly overlooked some bad side effects that can damage the body. In some cases, the adverse effects actually outweigh the good that Viagra can do.
Some rare side effects of Viagra are bleeding of the eye, redness, burning or swelling. Anxiety levels may also increase. Double vision and decreased vision have been associated with Viagra, and in worst-case scenario, it may cause blindness.
One unusual side effect encountered is slight color blindness, in which the patient temporarily becomes unable to distinguish blue from green. Others include tooth ache and hiccups.
According to reports, nearly 31 patients attributed the painful medical condition Priapism to the usage of Viagra. Priapism is a condition in which erection lasts for more than four hours despite the absence of physical and psychological stimulation. This could be termed as potentially dangerous.
Peyronieís disease is also touted as Viagra side effect, where the male organ begins to take shape of a U-bend. Two patients have complained of this problem. Besides these, another two people have turned deaf and blind.
Other less common side effects include an increased risk of heart attack, long lasting and painful erections, and a serious drop in blood pressure.
The drug is popular and prescribed more than one million times annually.
A spokesman of The Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) stated that "The submission of a suspected report does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the drug. Many factors have to be taken into account in assessing causal relationships including the underlying disease that was being treated."

Learn Exactly What Causes Acne

The causes of acne are linked to changes in young people mature from childhood to adolescence (puberty). The hormones that cause physical maturation also cause the sebaceous (oil) glands of the skin to produce more sebum (oil). The hormones with the greatest effect on sebaceous glands are androgens (male hormones) which are present in women and men, but in higher amounts in men.
Sebaceous glands are found together with a hair in a unit called a sebaceous follicle. During puberty, the skin cells that line the follicle begin to shed more quickly. In people who develop acne, the cells stick together and shed more than people who do not develop acne. When the cells were mixed with the greatest amount of sebum that is produced, can be connected to the opening of the follicle. Meanwhile, the sebaceous glands to produce sebum, and the follicle swells up with sebum.
A normal skin bacteria called P. acnes, begins to multiply rapidly in clogged hair follicle. In the process, these bacteria produce irritating substances that cause inflammation. Sometimes the wall of the follicle bursts, the spread of inflammation to the surrounding skin. This is the process by which acne lesions, blackheads from grains nodules are formed.
Many people still believe that acne is caused by dirty skin. The truth is, washing alone will not clarify or preventing acne. Washing, however, help remove excess surface oils and dead skin cells. Many people use all kinds of products, including those of alcohol-based cleaning and scrub vigorously, only to irritate the skin further and worsen their acne.
Wash the skin gently twice daily with water and mild soap is usually all that is required. However, acne is caused by a variety of biological factors beyond the control of washing. Therefore, you should use appropriate acne treatments for acne.
Stress is often the cause of the development of acne. Stress can have many physiological effects on the body, including changes in hormones that may theoretically lead to acne. In some cases the stress can be caused by acne lesions, not the other way around! If the acne is being treated effectively, stress is unlikely to have much impact on most people.
Usually, acne begins at puberty and is gone by the early 20s. In some cases, acne can persist into adulthood. These types of acne are severe forms that affect the body as well as the face (affecting males more than females) and acne associated with menstrual cycle in women. In other cases, acne may not present itself until adulthood. Such acne is more likely to affect women than men.
There are several reasons for this. As women get older, the pattern of changes in hormones may itself change, the removal of the sebaceous glands to develop acne. Ovarian cysts and pregnancy may also cause hormonal changes that lead to acne. Some women have acne when you stop birth control pills that have been keeping acne at bay. Sometimes young women may use cosmetics that are comedogenic, ie, may create conditions that cause comedones to form.
Acne is not caused by food. Following a strict diet is not clear that their skin. While some people feel that their acne is aggravated by certain foods, particularly chocolate, colas, peanuts, shellfish and some fatty foods, there is no scientific evidence that suggests food causes or influences acne.
Avoid any foods that seem to worsen your acne and, for your overall health, eat a balanced diet - diet, but it really does not matter if the acne is being treated properly.

Breast Cancer Took My Breast, Can Plastic Surgery Help

Breast reconstruction is one of the most rewarding surgical procedures available today. When you have had your breast removed due to cancer or other diseases, your surgeon can create a breast that can be close in form and appearance to match your natural breast. Breast reconstruction creates a breast that can be close in form and appearance to match your natural breast.
During your first visit, the surgeon will evaluate your general health. The doctor will explain which surgical techniques are the most appropriate, based on your desires, your body habitus and the condition of the breast.
Your surgeon will describe alternatives, risks, and limitations of each procedure. After the consultation, you will have the opportunity to view pre and post-op pictures.
You will have pictures taken by our professional photographer. These are for your medical record to give you an optimal result. Breast reconstruction can be achieved by several surgical procedures. Your surgeon will discuss your options and the surgical procedure that will give you the best result.
Skin expansion is the most common procedure that combines skin expansion and the subsequent insertion of a breast implant. Following your mastectomy, your surgeon will insert a balloon expander beneath your skin and chest wall muscle.
A tiny valve that is a part of your expander (under your skin) will require injections with saline (salt-water) that gradually fill your expander over several weeks or months.
Once your skin over the breast area has been stretched enough, your expander will be removed in a second operation and a more permanent implant will be inserted. Your nipple and the dark skin surrounding it are reconstructed at a later date. Some patients do not require a tissue expander before receiving an implant, therefore your surgeon will insert your implant following your mastectomy.
Flap reconstruction is an alternative approach to implant reconstruction, when tissue expansion is not a consideration. This involves the creation of a skin muscle flap using tissue from your back or abdomen.
Tram flap is another method that uses tissue brought up from your abdomen, either leaving it attached to is blood vessels or reattaching it to blood vessels in the chest area.
These procedures are more complex than tissue expansion. Scars will be left at both the donor site and on your newly constructed breast. Even though the healing phase takes longer, your results are more natural and you have an added benefit of an improved abdominal contour.
You will feel tired and sore for 1-3 days following your surgery. You will be expected to stay in the hospital overnight, and will need help at home for several weeks.
You will have limited physical activity for about 6 weeks. No lifting over 10 pounds for 4-6 weeks. No aerobic workouts or activities that can increase your heart rate above 100 beats per minute for three weeks.
Your breasts need to be protected from stretching activities for at least six weeks to allow the incisions to heal. You will go home with pain medication and antibiotics. You may have drains that will require you to measure and record the fluid twice daily and reported to your surgeon and/or the nurse on your follow-up visit. You will be given information on what and when to report it during your recovery.
A surgical bra will serve as the dressing with gauze on your incisions for 2-3 days. You may shower within 2-3 days, or after your drains are removed. You will be seen for follow-up sometime during the first week depending on status of drains. During this visit your post op care will be reinforced and changes made in your care if necessary.
You will usually return to your physician' office 3-4 days following surgery for a check up and drain removal if necessary. Then you will return in 7-10 days for suture removal. You will return at approximately 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and one year following your surgery.
If you are having tissue expansion you will be returning weekly until the expander is stretched to the optimal size.
Frequently following breast reconstruction, surgical revisions or secondary stages are necessary to complete this process. Your follow up visits will be based on your surgery type, recovery and healing.

6 Tips to Care for Your Skin Better

Looking younger for as long as you can is probably important to you. But all those products you use on your skin? Some of them come at a cost-- both to your health and to the environment. Fortunately, though, using products that are better for you skin's health often means using products that are greener and easier on the environment. The hard part is knowing which products pass muster... and which should be left on the shelf to gather dust.

We all want the face in our internet dating profile photos to belie our years. With some of the tips below, you can do just that-- without doing too much damage to the environment in the process.

Make your own. This probably sounds a little far-fetched, right? After all, why would Estee Lauder sell it for $75 if you can make something just as effective at home?

The real reason is because they can. While it's true that some ingredients are impossible to find and some textures impossible to recreate, there are still plenty of beauty products you can make at home, reducing your beauty regimen's impact on the environment and on your bank account. Look online for recipes for different at-home beauty products, such as homemade toners or moisturizing masks with avocado. Or pick up a simple multi-use product like jojoba oil and use it in place of several other products.

Streamline your products. All of those slick packages and clear, smiling faces know how to do their jobs. Just looking at a product suggests to you that you need it-- that it should be part of your regimen. But don't listen! The truth is, most women own far more beauty products than they really need. Concealers, for instance, aren't really any different from regular foundation; you can get the same effect from dotting foundation on your problem areas and letting it dry out slightly before blending. Look through what you own and decide what really needs to stay, and what can go.

Buy smart packages. The packaging of your product has even more to do with how "green" it is than what's inside that packaging. Some plastics, such as PVC (marked by a "V" and a recycling code 3), are even harmful to your health. Learn the different recycling codes for the plastics that are environmentally safe and recyclable, and look for those plastics when shopping for beauty products. Or, even better, opt for glass. Glass is always recyclable and has no nasty chemicals that will end up in your product (as with PVC).

Google the manufacturer. Going green is a hugely popular trend right now, and lots of companies want to be seen as jumping on the bandwagon. They know that a little leaf and a claim of environmentally safe packaging will attract plenty of potential consumers. But just because the packaging makes these sorts of claims doesn't mean the company really means them. When deciding between brands, take a minute to Google their manufacturing processes to see which has a greener reputation. Do they test on animals? Do they use environmentally- and health-safe ingredients? Choosing wisely not only gives you a superior product, it also sends cosmetics companies a message about what consumers want.
Go organic. All of those hormones and fertilizers and pesticides
they use on crops and animal products are just as bad for your health as they are for the environment. Products which are manufactured using organic methods can be more difficult to find, but their quality and environmental responsibility make them worth a look. Look for a USDA or your country's seal to certify them as truly organic.
Check the labels. You can do everything listed above, but if you don't check the labels you still won't be doing much to protect the environment. Because some very common beauty
ingredients, such as propylene glycol, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium fluoride, most fragrances, etc., can cause all sorts of health and environmental problems, and some are even proven carcinogens.
Choosing the right beauty products isn't only about doing your part to protect the environment. Natural, organic, and harmful chemical free beauty products are also more effective and better for your health. It doesn't always happen that what's good for the environment is also best and easiest for you. But with skin care, you don't have any excuse not to go green.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vamanan Movie Photo Gallery

Subramaniapuram fame Jai will be starring in has been titled Vamanan’. Debutant Ahmed, who worked as an associate to Kathir, is directing Vamanan. A popular Model Priya Anandh plays the heroine in Vamanan. Lakshmi Rai is also in the Vamanan movie cast. Music by Yuvan Shankar Raja, Cinematography by Arvind Krishna, Editing by Suraj Kavi, Stunts by Siva and lyrics by N.A. Muthukumar is to be done

Monday, March 16, 2009

Oscar Winners 2009

Read below for the complete list of Oscar winners

Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire

Actor in a Leading Role: Sean Penn, Milk

Actress in a Leading Role: Kate Winslet, The Reader

Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight

Actress in a Supporting Role: Penélope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Director: Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire

Original Screenplay: Dustin Lance Black, Milk

Adapted Screenplay: Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire

Animated Feature Film: WALL-E

Foreign Language Film: Departures (Japan)

Original Score: A.R. Rahman, Slumdog Millionaire

Original Song: “Jai Ho,” A.R. Rahman and Gulzar; Slumdog Millionaire

Art Direction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Cinematography: Slumdog Millionaire

Costume Design: The Duchess

Makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Film Editing: Slumdog Millionaire

Documentary Feature: Man on Wire

Documentary Short Subject: Smile Pinki

Animated Short Film: La Maison en Petits Cubes

Live Action Short Film: Spielzeugland (Toyland)

Sound Editing: The Dark Knight

Sound Mixing: Slumdog Millionaire

Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award: Jerry Lewis

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