There is no question that United States is the economic giant of the world .Yet what most people do not know is t

The standards for the Ghanaian business executive are should be: integrity of business personnel, verifiable bank and tax records, traceable goods packaged by international standards, maintain sanitary and phytosanitary standards, SPS, excellent business plan, marketing packages among others. The US EXIM Bank will help with financing if you use US goods; the Overseas Private Investment Corporation [OPIC] will assist with finance if you have US partners.
The areas that are very lucrative include: HOME DÉCOR [what we call arts and crafts in Ghana] , Commercial real estate, Energy, Agro processing notably organic products, Information Communication Technology {ICT}, Extractive industry and services especially Finance. You should also plan to visit some of the numerous US Trade shows continuously with your full package. The initial trips may not pay off but tenacity is key, as you will be rewarded eventually. I advise you to be interactive and assertive. Ghanaians think the later is arrogance but the Americans appreciate assertiveness. Please make eye contact and always dress professionally.
It is my hope that the business community takes this cue as the sky is the limit.
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