LG India recently launched a portfolio of home appliances which are targeted at health-conscious consumers. These include microwave ovens with a health menu, refrigerator whic

Similarly, Samsung has rolled out laptops with anti-bacterial keyboards, washing machines that remove bacteria and bio-ceramic enamel cavity in microwave oven which preserves food nutrition. The company’s India R&D team has developed a technology — for which it has applied a patent — that preserves food in refrigerator during a power cut.
"Given the growing health consciousness in Indian consumers, we want to introduce technologies that are health friendly and offers a value to consumers beyond their mere functionality. Through advertising, we will aggressively communicate the consumer benefit of these new technologies," said Samsung India deputy MD R Zutshi.
Philips India plans to develop a portfolio of products in areas like home healthcare and consumer lifestyle. "We have developed water purifiers specifically for India and rolling out a new line of nutrition-oriented small appliances like juicer. We will drive a lot of initiatives on the retail level to solidify our health proposition," Philips Electronics India MD & CEO Murali Sivaraman said.
Godrej Appliances head (marketing and sales) Kamal Nandi said the company’s water purifier will launched pan-India in six months. "We have adopted the direct selling model for healthcare products. The water purifiers are currently sold in few markets like Mumbai. We are working on a slew of other health products," he said.
The size of healthcare white goods market in India is estimated at Rs 1,500-1,800 crore. The market is highly fragmented and is emerging to be the next big opportunity for the big companies.
For further details : economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/News-By-Industry/Cons-Products/Durables/Health-bug-bites-consumer-electronics-makers/articleshow/4588126.cms
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