* "How do I get new clients?"
* "I struggle to make my marketing work."
* "I don't know where to start with marketing."
* "I hate marketing and marketing myself feels horrendous."
If you hear yourself saying any of these, then I've written this ebook especially for you. I'm asked by many business owners how they can gain clients quickly for their service-based businesses. They're either just starting their business and don't know how to market

When you're in business, whatever that might be, you're also in the business of marketing your services. Like it or not, marketing is essential to your business and will, in some ways, always be a part of it. Therefore, you need to find a way of marketing which suits you, your style and which you actually enjoy.
I truly believe you can find marketing that is enjoyable for you. At one time, I didn't believe I would ever enjoy it. I thought it was a necessary evil, but now, not only do I love it but I work with other business people to develop their marketing!
When I speak with most people about marketing, they often say, "It just isn't me" or "I don't feel okay doing it". They feel that to even do some marketing, let alone become really good at it, pulls them out of shape personally and feels awkward. I believe this to be the case when you haven't identified your natural marketing style. There is a way to market that suits you quite naturally, which feels right for you, and I encourage you to discover it.
I do appreciate how you currently feel about marketing. I had no marketing background so I was completely naïve when it came to marketing my business. I floundered around for longer than I care to remember and at the back of my mind, I hoped that new clients would appear as if by magic, so that I would never need to do any marketing again. I did say I was naïve back then!!
It took me a long time before I realised that marketing was something I would always be doing, so I might as well find a way to enjoy it. This ebook is a brief overview of all that you need to consider when marketing and is founded on what I've learned over many years. Most of this learning has come from actually doing the marketing in my own businesses. Even today, my technique isn't perfect and I still make mistakes, but I just keep learning, moving forward and gaining a deeper understanding of all that's required to market effectively.
Source : www.yourfreemarketingbook.com/
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