There are several reasons why this will not work and will most likely result in disappointment. You will not be able to lose weight by the summer if you wait until Spring to start.
The first reason is a simple goal setting principal, goals must be achievable. Eight weeks is not enough t

The second reason is that even though you will experience results, you will not actually see the results. Fat comes off you in the opposite order that it went on. In other words, men will loose fat first from their backs, then their arms and chest and finally in the abdominal area. Women will lose it first from their arms, then their abdomen and finally their butts.
You will lose the weight from the least obvious places first. You will not clearly see the results for at least a matter of months and you will likely become discouraged long before you even reach that point.
My preference is to begin right after the Holiday season is over. Not because I believe in New Years Resolutions, in fact, I am staunchly against them, but because I am more reasonable in my approach to success. I believe that it is okay to have a vacation from success just as sure as you require a vacation from work.
After your vacation from success, it is time to get to work. Begin gradually, by altering your diet in simple ways. For example, in week one, you might simply resolve to drink six small glasses of water a day. In week two you might resolve to walk 20 minutes a day, 4 days a week.
My point is that if you set your expectations to a reasonable level, you are far more likely to achieve them.
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